utorak, 22. kolovoza 2017.

Speaking the same language

Projektna aktivnost za svibanj bila je "Speaking the same language". Učenici su napisali dvadeset rečenica što je za njih migracija ili migrant. Rečenice su zatim zajedno pročitali, te izabrali deset rečenica koje najbolje opisuju projektnu temu. Tih deset rečenica su preveli na engleski jezik i snimili kratki film u kojem govore rečenice na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.

Speaking the same language 
 Project activity for May have been "Speaking the same language". The students wrote twenty sentences for migration or migration. The sentences were then read together and selected ten sentences that best describe the project theme. Those ten sentences were translated into English and recorded a short film in which they speak sentences in Croatian and English.

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